Joe Maiello Tribute
We at CITE are saddened by the loss of Joseph Maiello, who passed away on June 30th at his family compound in East Quogue, NY. Joe was a gregarious figure, well known in the NYC DOE. Joe helped form the core of our Professional Development team at CITE, bringing the knowledge and experience of his time as a building and district leader to help others. We will miss his warmth and his expertise. Below, some friends share their thoughts.
In memory of Joe:
A well-dressed handsome man who one would think is always serious. However, he was such a hilarious man. He would always get the job done effectively, but he had you laughing while working. He was so kind and giving. Always concerned about supporting the school community. He was truly loved and will definitely be missed. Rest in peace my friend.
– Rosemarie Sinclair, CSA
I had the pleasure of meeting Joe some 11 years ago when he asked me to cover a parent workshop. From the moment we spoke I knew I was dealing with a kind, knowledgeable professional who had a sense of humor as well. I could always rely on him to calm me down when things were stressful by making me laugh. On one occasion we were at one of our infamous luncheons at Gran Piatto D’Oro hosting a CITE event. The waiter brought a platter of salad to the table and I immediately took possession, not knowing it was FOR EVERYONE SITTING WITH US. Joe looked at me and in his jovial way said, “Hey Zagami! Are you going to share that? It’s for everyone!” Boy was my face red. There was so little on the plate I actually thought it was for me! From that day forward Joe always asked me to “pass the salad” no matter where we ate; even if there was no salad. You know what’s even funnier? I’ll always think of Joe every time someone asks me to pass the salad. Salad will never be the same without Joe Maiello! Thanks for the memories buddy!
– Matt Zagami, CITE Coordinator
It’s hard to believe that I will never hear his voice again. He had a very comforting voice because he was so grounded in his deep roots in Brooklyn. He was a politician in the good and old sense, always looking to find ways to solve problems for people, using his connections with others. He cared incredibly deeply about people. I will miss him.
– Jared Gellert, Executive Director, CITE
Joe and I started the CITE PD program 15 years ago. He was an integral part in the creation of what we now offer to NYC schools. His presence and impact will be greatly missed.
– Carl Sanfilippo
I ran into Joe in a Fruit store on 13th avenue in Brooklyn in 2010 (I had tutored his children for years, he was my assistant superintendent for District 20) and told him I just retired and asked if he had a job for a retired math teacher. He said, “You’re hired but I need to clear it with Carl Sanfilippo.” P.S. Carl was the principal I worked for! He was the kindest, most caring and loving man who loved his co-workers as much as his family. I will miss him. Rest in Peace Joe.
– Linda Mollo Holmes
For Joe’s obituary, please see https://mclaughlinandsons.com/book-of-memories/4256249/Maiello-Joseph/index.php