Pandemic Teacher Shortages Imperil In-Person Schooling
The nation’s schools need thousands of more teachers, full-time and substitute, to keep classrooms open.
“As exposure to the coronavirus forced thousands of teachers across the United States to stay home and quarantine this winter, administrators in the Washoe County School District, which serves 62,000 students in western Nevada, pulled out all the stops to try to continue in-person instruction for students. They exhausted the district’s regular supply of substitute instructors.
They asked teachers to use their planning periods to cover classes for quarantining colleagues. Some schools tapped principals, librarians, guidance counselors and other staff members to teach classes or monitor lunch and recess. The superintendent even filled in for an absent teacher. “We had to embrace an all-hands-on-deck mind-set to keep schools open,” said Joe Ernst, an area superintendent who oversees 24 Washoe County schools.”
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Teacher shortages are here, and are expected to continue. This is a good time to get certified as a teacher, since there are a large number of jobs available. For information on how you can get your Master’s in Education, please see www.citemsv.com
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