NYC Wants More Teachers With TESOL Experience
NYC is looking for more teachers with TESOL certification, due to problematic teacher numbers for students who are English Language Learners. It’s clear that immigrant populations face challenges in schools, navigating cultural difference, lack of opportunity, and often language barriers.
In school, language often is the largest obstacle. It hurts both learning and socializing. The numbers speak to these problems: last June, just 29 percent of English Language Learners (sometimes called ENL, ESL, or ELL students) across the state and 35 percent in New York City graduated from high school on time. In New York City, just 10 percent of English Language Learners scored proficient on their third to eighth-grade reading state exams last year — up from 6 percent the year before.
New York state education officials want to bolster support for the state’s growing English Language Learner population — graduation rates for these students remain chronically low. Right now, students studying to be teachers in New York are required to spend six semester hours learning about language acquisition and literacy. Last month, state education policymakers proposed requiring teacher preparation programs to dedicate three of those hours to how English language learners learn and acquire language.
“Courses in language acquisition and literacy development will help young teachers meet the particular needs of these students and build on the success we are seeing in New York’s ELL programs,” said Chancellor Betty Rosa in a press release.
Here at CITE, we have two such opportunities to obtain certification in this high-need area: Bilingual individual pathway and TESOL individual pathway certification. If you are a professionally certified teacher who’d like to earn Bilingual certification (must be fluent in the language you’re getting certified in), then click here. If you are interested in a TESOL Master’s Degree, click here.
Learn more by visiting the ChalkBeat article here.
CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education. For over 25 years, CITE has and continues to train TEACHERS (Masters in General and Special Ed, Special Ed Extension,Grad Courses, Bilingual courses, TESOL, DASA); COUNSELORS (School, Mental Health Masters, Advanced Certificate); and ADMINISTRATORS (SBL, SDL, Public Admin, Doctorate) in all five boroughs of NYC, Yonkers, Westchester, and Long Island.
CITE PD offers CTLE-approved in-school professional development tailored to your school’s needs and your vision. Info: citepd.com