NYC sends $12 million to schools serving newcomers. The city’s budget watchdog says they’re owed more.

NYC sends $12 million to schools serving newcomers. The city’s budget watchdog says they’re owed more.

New York City is distributing nearly $12 million in extra funding to schools that have welcomed new students who are homeless, officials announced Monday — though the city’s budget watchdog claims that schools are owed substantially more.

Roughly 7,200 students who live in temporary housing have enrolled in the city’s schools since July 2. Many of them are migrants from South American countries who are seeking asylum.

City officials said Monday they will send an additional $2,000 for each homeless student who arrived since that date to schools that have enrolled at least six new students who live in temporary housing. (The education department does not collect student immigration status, so the city uses housing as a proxy to direct resources to campuses that are absorbing newcomers.)

Records show 369 schools will see bigger budgets thanks to the new money, which can be used for additional tutoring, curriculum materials, after-school programs, and clothing or other personal items students might need, department officials said.

Read the full article here:

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