In NYC, public schools are often the main source for youth mental health care

In NYC, public schools are often the main source for youth mental health care

By law, public schools are required to provide a fair and appropriate education to all students – including those with mental health challenges. But what happens in reality is that families are forced to navigate an incredibly complex system, in a process that can take years to obtain the right services for their child.

A new report published by ProPublica and news outlet The City looks at glaring inequities in this system. Tiffany Caldwell is a parent who has lived through it, and Abigail Kramer is a journalist who spent a year covering the topic.

They joined “WNYC Morning Edition” host Michael Hill to talk about how public schools do – and don’t – serve children with mental health issues. Below is a lightly edited transcript of their conversation.

You can read the full article here:

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