SBL Instructor Spotlight – Dr. Ellen Margolin
My name is Dr. Ellen Margolin and I have been teaching for the St. Rose/CITE SBL Program since the beginning – in fact I was the first professor hired more than 15 years ago. Currently I teach School Law, although I have taught all of the SBL courses at some point over the past many years. I also supervise administrative interns, facilitate seminar presentations, and teach several of the test prep classes.
Before retiring, I was a building principal in a large elementary school in NYC for 13 years, and Assistant Principal for 7 years before that in a large middle school. My field is special ed, and I have earned a doctorate from NYU in ed leadership.
The Keys to being a Successful Administrator
I absolutely loved my job and wish that current administrators feel the same way. I believe that the ability to laugh at oneself, not take oneself too seriously, and delegate authority are key to being a successful administrator. It is important that teachers feel respected and recognized for their efforts on behalf of the students in their charge. It is equally important for parent/guardians to feel that their children’s schools are safe, caring environments in which they feel welcome. I advocate for all students and firmly believe that kindness, empathy, patience and understanding together with recognizing the differences among students will help students achieve. I, therefore, am a strong believer in cross curricular education and champion for arts- in- education initiatives.
Current Concerns of Administration Students
Administrative students are very weary of the current climate in education and while many are interested in becoming assistant principals or district leaders, they are hesitant about becoming principals. Many are very concerned about the current status of the various evaluation systems and feel that all school personnel, especially building leaders, are targets of our political system and society at large. And while they believe in their ability to make a difference in the lives of children as a school leader, for many, the stresses and pressures of the job overshadow the positive elements of that position.
I send a shout-out to CITE. CITE students are very complimentary of their profs and courses. And a large number of CITE grads have, in fact, become successful administrators, especially in NYC. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Special Kudos to Lydia Parris and Ilene Agranoff for their professionalism and diligence in coordinating the program, — they are the backbone of the ed admin program. Also, thanks to the entire office staff for their support and most importantly, thanks to Diane Burke who is the glue that keeps the program together, and to Dr Hawkins, who is the eyes and ears of the program.
CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education . For over 25 years, CITE has and continues to train TEACHERS (Early Childhood, Literacy, Special Ed, Grad Courses, DASA); COUNSELORS (School, Mental Health Masters, Advanced Certificate); and ADMINISTRATORS (SBL, SDL, Public Admin, Online PhD) in all five boroughs of NYC, Yonkers, and Long Island.
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