Statement from the CSA:
While we have been prioritizing our communication to you around issues related to COVID-19 and the transition to remote learning, we would like to inform you that our contract has been formally ratified. The American Arbitration Association has informed CSA that the contract was ratified by 96% of those who sent in ballots (2926 members voted to approve while 119 members voted to reject). We are extremely pleased with the outcome and thank you for your support.
Click here to find the contract. Click here to find a summary.
CSA Memorandum of Agreement Summary
The contract runs retroactively from April 23, 2019 to January 28, 2023.
SALARY INCREASES FOR ALL MEMBERS* CSA members will see a raise of greater than 7.5% with compounding over the life of the contract.
Raises will be paid as follows:
• Effective 4/23/2019, 2% increase
• Effective 7/23/2020, 2.5% increase
• Effective 9/23/2021, 3% increase
Retroactive payments will be paid out as follows:
• Spring 2020 (TBD): 2% increase fully retroactive to 4/23/2019
• February 2020: 25% of lump sum retroactive pay from the 2014 agreement (4th installment)
• February 2021: 25% of lump retroactive pay from the 2014 agreement (5th and final installment)
*These figures do not reflect contributions to the CSA Welfare Funds or compounding.
All current health care benefits have been fully maintained for in-service members and retirees.
• On July 23, 2020 there will be a payment of $2.28 million to strengthen and protect the Welfare Fund and the Retirees Welfare Fund.
• The additional $136 per employee per year that CSA secured in 2014 will be enhanced by 2%, 2.5% and 3% on the dates that each salary increase takes effect.
Each member will continue to receive the $708 annuity fund contribution which will increase by 2%, 2.5% and 3% following the effective dates of each salary increase.
• CSA members are now entitled to receive up to 25 work days of Paid Parental Leave (PPL) at 100% of regular salary without coming off payroll. PPL is defined as leave for the birth of a child to a CSA member or the placement of a child, under the age of 18, with a CSA member for adoption or foster care.
• The start date of an eligible employee’s PPL will be their option. Additionally, CSA secured the right for eligible employees to take the 25 work days on an intermittent basis up to six months after the birth, adoption or foster placement.
• Eligible employees will continue to accrue annual and sick leave during PPL, and they may also use accrued leave, child-care leave and any other applicable leave benefits.
1 A CSA Membership meeting to review the contract will be held during after school hours on Wednesday, February 26th, 2020. The time and location will be announced shortly through our member updates and on our website.
2 A CSA Membership meeting to review the contract will be held during after school hours on Wednesday, February 26th, 2020. The time and location will be announced shortly through our member updates and on our website.
• Eligible employees may use PPL immediately after being hired.
• CSA fought hard to secure a rare retroactive benefit extending PPL to eligible employees who became parents (birth, adoption or foster) on or after October 1, 2019. Those CSA members are entitled to use up to 25 work days of PPL up to six months from the date of the birth, adoption or foster placement.
For the first time, CSA has guaranteed that the DOE will establish and distribute to all members a tenure framework that will provide clear and concise guidance regarding school-based and non-school-based supervisory tenure decisions, consistent with New York Education Law and the APPR agreement between CSA and DOE, for the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
All proposed extensions of the probationary period of any supervisor will now be given to the supervisor and CSA in writing, along with a written statement of reasons for the extension, no later than 7 days prior to the completion of the probationary period. This will enable any CSA member to properly consult with CSA about their decision.
• Any appointed supervisor who is denied completion of probation or discontinued will have the undisputed right to revert to their most recent prior appointed supervisor or EA position in the system.
• For the purpose of clarity and consistency, CSA has negotiated that the DOE is obligated to advise any supervisor moving from an appointed position to an interim-acting position of their reversion rights in writing prior to taking the position as an interim-acting supervisor.
CSA has negotiated the protection of our members against harassment, intimidation, retaliation and discrimination of any kind. If a CSA member is so aggrieved, or retaliated against for raising a concern, reporting a suspected violation of any DOE policy or contractual provision, or cooperating with an investigation, they now have recourse under the grievance and arbitration provisions of the CBA.
• All Principals at all levels will now have the option and discretion to create an Assistant Principal responsible for Climate, Culture and Security.
• In order to ensure a safe and secure environment in every school building, the DOE has agreed with CSA that it is best practice to have at least one Assistant Principal per school. Going forward, superintendents will have to justify a plan that ensures a safe and secure environment in the absence of an Assistant Principal.
CSA will participate in a joint committee with the DOE to explore the potential of a new evaluation system for Assistant Principals that continues to value their import within the system and fairly capture 3 A CSA Membership meeting to review the contract will be held during after school hours on Wednesday, February 26th, 2020. The time and location will be announced shortly through our member updates and on our website. their critical contributions to school leadership. If the parties come to an agreement, then the probationary period will be reduced to four years.
For the duration of this agreement, DOE will institute a pilot program for Assistant Principals of Special Education that will allow them the option of not working during the summer on an annual basis. The Assistant Principal, Principal and Superintendent must annually agree to a 10-month schedule by April 1 st of the given year. Assistant Principals may rescind their request to participate in this pilot by July 6th of the given year and requests to do so shall not be unreasonably denied.
In order to enable members to better plan and prepare, each Assistant Principal in excess as of June 1 will receive their assignment for the following year no later than June 15. For each Assistant Principal newly placed into excess by the existing June 15 notification deadline, the DOE will provide an assignment no later than July 15.
CSA has negotiated a differential of $15,000 per year above the maximum EA 4 salary for the creation of the position of Lead Education Administrator. The posting for these Lead EA positions will be jointly created by CSA and the DOE. In addition to their regular responsibilities, lead EAs will provide day-to-day organization and coordination of assignments to other EAs. They will not serve as the rating officer or supervisor of other EAs and will not participate in disciplinary conferences of other EAs. The Lead EA is a three-year assignment, subject to annual renewal.
For decades, more equitable salaries among principals has been a consistent goal of the union. In addition to the general increase for all members, Elementary and Middle/Junior High School principals will receive an additional salary increase effective February 23, 2021. New salary charts can be found at csa-nyc.org/moa.
Recognizing the challenges of staffing principals at certain sites, CSA has negotiated a differential between $10,000 and $15,000 annually for schools that the Chancellor designates as “hard to staff.”
• Each Principal will now have the benefit of an individual, in-person meeting with either their Superintendent or Deputy/Assistant Superintendent at least 10 days prior to the first PPO of each year.
• The APPR Committee will meet at least two times a year to discuss any issues, including disparities between school supervisor overall ratings and the overall rating of the supervisor’s teaching staff. 4 A CSA Membership meeting to review the contract will be held during after school hours on Wednesday, February 26th, 2020. The time and location will be announced shortly through our member updates and on our website.
PLACEMENT OF EXCESSED STAFF Schools with outstanding budget appeals as of August 1st will not have excessed staff force-placed prior to October 15th .
The DOE will issue annual guidance to principals about funding and budgeting instructional supplies, including the funds available for instructional supplies and where they are within the overall school budget.
As a result of CSA’s ongoing efforts to make sure the DOE honors the value of our members’ time, there will be one defined meeting per month for principals to meet as a group with their district Superintendent during the workday for professional development or trainings, except for the months of October, January, and March when there may be two such meetings. Superintendents will provide a schedule of meetings by the first day of each term and, in the event that a meeting date must be changed, the Superintendent will provide at least two weeks’ advance written notice to each principal in the district. In July, the DOE may schedule professional development sessions for principals that will take place over a period of one week during the workday.