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Downloadable files: 

celebrate urban birds

collaborative math

national geographic kids network

UNESCO associated schools project network



CITE is the Center for Integrated Training and Education.
For over 25 years, CITE has and continues to train:

TEACHERS: General and Special Ed Masters (Early Childhood or Childhood)Adolescent Special Ed / Professional Certification Masters, TESOL MastersSpecial Ed license extension courses, Bilingual license extension coursesTESOL license extension courses, Early Childhood license extension courses

COUNSELORS: School Counseling MastersMental Health Counseling MastersAdvanced Certificate in Mental Health Counseling

ADMINISTRATORSSchool Building LeadershipSchool District LeadershipDoctorate for CSA/SAANYS  members, Doctorate for non-CSA/SAANYS members, Doctorate for teacher-leaders (non-CSA/SAANYS)  Public Administration Master’s

— in all five boroughs of NYC, Yonkers, Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk.

CITE PD: CITE offers CTLE-approved in-school or online professional development tailored to your school’s needs and your vision. We can work remotely with your staff and parents. Available in English, Mandarin, Greek, Italian, Spanish. Info: