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Create events easily with U-event custom post quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis

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Use U-course custom post to create and manage and sell courses for your education business

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NYC’s test opt-out rate doubled in the wake of the pandemic

The epicenter of New York’s test refusal movement has long been outside the five boroughs, taking root in whiter and more affluent school districts, particularly on Long Island. But since the pandemic, the share of families opting out of the annual state tests has more than doubled in New York City — even as the […]

560 NYC schools were affected by torrential downpour in September, report finds

About 560 New York City public schools were affected by torrential rainfall last September, far more than previously known, according to a report released this week by the city comptroller. As Tropical Storm Ophelia pelted some parts of the city with more than 8 inches of rain, public school buildings contended with leaky roofs and […]